MCC E-1608 (RedLab E-1608) Ethernet/LAN Mini DAQ System

Benefits of the 16 bit Multifunction Ethernet DAQ Device RedLab/MCC E-1608
- Your complete, low-cost Ethernet DAQ system.
- Extremely compact, fits into a vest pocket.
- Also available as bundle "RedPack" with software ProfiLab-Expert.
MCC E-1608 (RedLab E-1608) Ethernet/LAN Mini DAQ System
The Ethernet-based MCC E-1608 or RedLab E-1608 (6069-410-016) is a low-cost, high-speed, multifunction I/O DAQ device that measures eight analog channels at 250 kS/s aggregate with 16 bit resolution. This device also offers two analog outputs, eight digital-I/O channels, and one counter input. The module has a built-in 10/100 Base-T auto-negotiation, high-speed communication port. The networking protocols are TCP/IP and UDP. Once connected to the network, the device can be remotely accessed and configured through software from anywhere on the network. Only one user at a time can access the module.
The MCC E-1608 (RedLab E-1608) provides 16 bit analog inputs that are software-selectable as 8 single-ended or 4 differential inputs. The device supports input ranges of ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, and ±1 V that are software-selectable per channel. The module has two 16 bit, software-paced analog outputs that can be updated at a rate of 500 S/s. The output range is fixed at ±10 V. The MCC E-1608 (RedLab E-1608) has an external digital trigger input. The trigger mode is software-selectable for edge- or level-sensitive mode. You can configure edge-sensitive mode for either rising or falling edge. In level-sensitive mode, you can configure for either high or low level. The default setting at power up is edge-sensitive, rising edge. Eight bidirectional digital-I/O bits are individually-configurable for input or output. The digital-I/O terminals can detect the state of any TTL-level input. You can configure for pull-up (+5 V) or pull-down (0 V) with an onboard jumper. One 32 bit event counter can count TTL pulses. The counter accept inputs of up to 10 MHz. The MCC E-1608 (RedLab E-1608) has one external clock input and one clock output for analog inputs. The modules are factory-calibrated. Specifications are guaranteed for one year. For calibration beyond one year, return the device to the factory for recalibration.
- 16 bit high-speed Ethernet device.
- Sample rates up to 250 kS/s.
- 8 single-ended/4 differential analog inputs.
- Input ranges ±10 V, ±5 V, ±2 V, ±1 V.
- Two 16 bit analog outputs. Update rate 500 S/s. Output range fixed at ±10 V.
- Eight individually-configurable digital-I/O.
- One 32 bit counter input.
- Includes a built-in 10/100 Base-T auto-negotiation, high-speed communication port.
- Uses TCP/IP and UDP for network communication.
- Screw-terminal connectors.
- For production reasons from 2022 RedLab modules are now MCC USB modules in blue housing - otherwise completely identical and fully compatible!
- option "-modul": Module only or
- option "-redpack": As bundle "RedPack" with the software ▸ProfiLab-Expert.
Included: MCC/RedLab module, Cat6 LAN cable, power supply, basic-software (download). Bundle "RedPack" with additional software ProfiLab-Expert.
- TracerDAQ (strip chart recorder and data logger), ▸TracerDAQ Pro.
- ▸DAQami.
- Universal Library (programming language support for Windows).
- Universal Library for Android.
- InstaCAL utility (for easy installation, calibration and test).
- Driver for LabVIEW.
- MATLAB Data Acquisition Toolbox supports InstaCal version from 5.89 (analog inputs and outputs (no streaming) are supported. Digital inputs/outputs as well as triggered acquisition not supported).
- Linux drivers.
Support for Visual Studio/Visual Studio .NET, examples for Visual C++, Visual C#, Visual Basic, and Visual Basic .NET.
Support for MATLAB and Python.
Supported operating systems: Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP, 32 and 64 bit.
Optional: ▸ProfiLab-Expert.
Information on product safety:
Digilent (now a part of Emerson), 1300 NE Henley Ct. Suite 3, Pullman, WA 99163/USA
Responsible person:
Meilhaus Electronic GmbH, Am Sonnenlicht 2, 82239 Alling/DEU
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