IkaScope WS200 - 30 MHz Wireless Wifi Oscilloscope and Probe
Benefits of the Mobile Compact Oscilloscope IkaScope WS200
- Intuitive handheld oscilloscope, probe and integrated wireless interface in one.
- Full mobility thanks to Wifi connectivity.
- Full galvanic isolation from PC/mobile device.
IkaScope WS200 - the Complete Wifi Oszilloskop in One Hand!
The IkaScope WS200 is an intuitive handheld oscilloscope, probe tip and integrated wireless interface in one compact device. Due to its wireless Wifi connectivity to a mobile device, a PC or a local network it offers full and free mobility for your measurements. The wireless connectivity also gives the IkaScope full galvanic isolation from the PC/mobile device and ground isolation.
- Probe tip, oscilloscope, integrated wireless interface in one.
- Ergonomic device, fits into your west pocket.
- Sample rate 200 MS/s (8 bit), bandwidth 30 MHz.
- Input range 80 V (peak-peak) AC/DC-coupled; CAT I.
- Memory depth 4000 points.
- Maximal refresh rate 200 FPS.
- ProbeClick technology: Oscilloscope detects when to start measure and when to hold measurements on screen.
- Power supply: Internal rechargeable battery, with Micro-USB recharging cable (included). Full galvanic isolation from IkaScope to PC/mobile device.
- Data transmision: Wireless via Wifi 802.11 b/g/n/e/i 2,4 GHz, acces-point or station.
- LED status indication at device.
- Software: IkaScope App for Mac iOS, Windows, Linux, Mac OS-X and Android - load App and get your measurements started within seconds.
Included: IkaScope W200 with integrated probe tip, groud clip, Micro-USB recharging cable.
Various calibration options available for the oscilloscope.
Software: (Download/AppStore/PlayStore) App for iOS, Windows (7, 8, 10; Embedded Software (OpenGL ES) supported), Android, Linux (tested with Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, Mint 18, Debian 9), OS-X.
Calibration: The IkaScope WS200 comes with simple standard calibration. A test certificate with three values or ISO calibration is available at an extra charge.
Wifi, simply.
- Just download App,
- press on probe tip for 1 s and follow setup instructions,
- and start measuring.
Apps available for Apple iOS and OS-X, Windows, Android and Linux.

An Eye on Every Detail
- IkaScope's general menu gives access to the connection wizard.
- Oscilloscope general settings like coupling and trigger options.
- Analysis tools allow the user to add cursors and/or use automatic measurements.
- Autoset button launches the automatic signal finder.
- History is the place where all the captures are saved after releasing ProbeClick tip.
- Grid settings shows the settings of the signal displayed.
- IkaScope device info displays the current state of the device. It provides further information when clicked.
- The Share button is used to share your work.
- Notification center displays useful context related information.

Information on product safety:
IKALOGIC S.A.S., 11 Rue Skylab, 87000 Limoges/FRA
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